
From 1999 to 2002 author works as multimedia designer in Munich, Germany.

In 2003 he starts to work as a freelancer. Since 2003 author has been focusing his activities on the technical and conceptual tasks and since 2004 he works mainly in environment of mobile messaging.


2005 - 2008: FOM - University of Applied Sciencies Munich, graduated as business data processing specialist (Dipl. Wirtschaftinformatiker FH)

1998 - 2000: education at Mediadesign Akademie in Munich with an examination of German Industry and Trade Association.

1989 - 1991: study of architecture in Zagreb, Croatia. Studies left without graduation.


Author was born 1968 in Zagreb, Croatia.

Since 1992 he's been living in Germany and since 1996 in the Bavarian metropolis, Munich.

© 2009, Vlado Popovic